Cute, sugar cookies
Lagi candy buffet here
Paper lantern and boxes, here
Fabric hand bouquet
Kad, bunting, tag, stickers, banner here
Another wedding DIY
DIY projects, interesting!
This planner also creative and kinda like their service and you know what, anak kaka farah punya engagement pun guna dorang and it was lovely...kawan u yang kat pahang tu guna dorg jugak. Dorang punya deco, pelamin, main table, candy buffet, photobooth pun ada sket macam partypopperz. U gotta check thei 2012 promotion, harga boleh tahan jugak i rasa, not bad la kot. Rasa macam nak book la!!! Here
Admire la their wedding and his shoot...boleh ambik wedding deco dorg sket, here
Deco idea by Moof
Candy lagi
Blog ni juga banyak membantu
Reenee wedding, inspirasi pelamin
Lagi candy buffet here
Paper lantern and boxes, here
Fabric hand bouquet
Kad, bunting, tag, stickers, banner here
Another wedding DIY
DIY projects, interesting!
This planner also creative and kinda like their service and you know what, anak kaka farah punya engagement pun guna dorang and it was lovely...kawan u yang kat pahang tu guna dorg jugak. Dorang punya deco, pelamin, main table, candy buffet, photobooth pun ada sket macam partypopperz. U gotta check thei 2012 promotion, harga boleh tahan jugak i rasa, not bad la kot. Rasa macam nak book la!!! Here
Admire la their wedding and his shoot...boleh ambik wedding deco dorg sket, here
Deco idea by Moof
Candy lagi
Blog ni juga banyak membantu
Reenee wedding, inspirasi pelamin
creative gak ni semua tapi yang wed kwn i tu mcm simple & menarik kan?