Wednesday 24 August 2011

Are you too needy? Sometimes your guy just needs a little space. Are you willing to give it to him? Take this quiz to find out if you need a little less we-time and a little more me-time.

 1. Your guy is having a bad day and says he needs to be alone, so you:

Say nothing. He doesn't need encouragement, he just needs time.
Send him a cute text that lets him know you're there, and then let him come to you when he's ready.
Continue calling him until he picks up.
2. You've seen your guy every day this week, but it's time for the weekend. You spend it:
With him, of course! You wouldn't want to spend your weekend any other way.
With your friends on Friday and him on Saturday. You still need your girl time, just like he needs his guy time.
Apart. If you've spent every day together, he doesn't want to see any more of you.
3. When you're out on a group date, you're most likely to be:
Mingling with everyone, but giving your guy special attention every so often.
Sitting on your boyfriend's lap.
Sticking with your friends. If your guy wanted you to himself, he wouldn't have asked for a group date.

4. A mutual friend just spilled one of your secrets; how do you expect your boyfriend to respond?
By doing nothing. You can handle it on your own.
By letting you cry on his shoulder all night and yelling at her on your behalf.
By listening to you vent and lending you good advice.
5. How many times a day do you call your boyfriend?
Once or twice.
More than 5 times.
Never, you wait for him to call you.

6. You see that a girl has written on your boyfriend's Facebook wall. How do you respond?
Yell at him and give her dirty looks in the hallway when you see her.
Ignore it. You're not the jealous type.
Ask him about it casually. It's not a big deal, you just want to know the deets.
7. Do you think a guy should pay on a date?
Yes! Every time!
Sometimes, but I'm willing to pitch in.
No, we should always split it.
8. What do the pictures on your nightstand look like?
I have two — one is of my boyfriend and me and the other of my friends and me.
I only have one — a smaller version of our family photo.
My boyfriend's school picture and a framed photo of him and me.
9. In between classes, you:
Find your guy — you won't concentrate next period without getting a kiss from him.
Walk to class. If you run into him, great. If not, you'll catch him later.
Walk to class with a book in your hand. You have a quiz to do some last minute studying for — no time for socializing!
Well, this is my result:
You're the space expert!
Your boyfriend loves that you give him attention and space when he needs it. You might get a little jealous of the other girls — or even guys (!) — in his life, but you know when to draw the line. Fellow girlfriends should take your lead!


  1. Buat masa sekarang you are the best for me sayang. I rasa freedom bila nak buat apa2 pn. Thank you :)


  2. well, based on the result yes i admit sometimes im easily get jealous with people around u but i need to know my limit. i have to let u go coz u have your own space, i have mine and we have our time together. i love you sayang
